
  • 品牌:CELLABS
  • 产地:澳洲
  • 发布日期: 2018-03-19
  • 更新日期: 2022-05-05
产地 澳洲
保存条件 2-8℃
保质期 12个月个月



广州健仑长期供应各种生物原料,主要代理品牌:美国Seracare、西班牙Certest、美国Fuller、美国NOVABIOS、 Cellabs等等。


    该公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是国标*推荐的两虫检测IFA染色试剂、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水质安全评估检测的*抗体。

公司的主要产品有:隐孢子虫诊断试剂,贾第虫诊断试剂,疟疾诊断试剂,衣原体检测试剂,丝虫诊断试剂,锥虫诊断试剂等。Cellabs 的疟疾ELISA试剂盒成为临床上的一个重要的诊断工具盒科研上的重要鉴定工具。其疟疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA检测试剂盒和疟疾抗体ELISA检测试剂盒已经成为医学研究所的*试剂盒。Cellabs产品主要包括以下几种方法学:直接(DFA)和间接(IFA)免疫荧光法,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),和胶体金快速测试。所有产品都是按照GMP、CE标志按照ISO13485。








【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【联系电话】 13802525278 020-82574011  杨永汉 
【公司传真】 020-32206070
【腾讯 QQ 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室


某一神经 系紧张度减少和另一神经系的紧张度增加具有相同的效果。再有,自 主神经系统对特殊的药物(自主神经毒)敏感,容易引起兴奋或麻痹 。多数的药理作用对交感神经系和副交感神经系各有其特异性,因此 ,临床上用它作为自主神经紧张异常所引起的各种病症的治疗方法, 以及外科手术的辅助手段等。正常或应激条件下,自主神经系统在维 持机体的心血管系统、胃肠道和体温稳态中起重要作用。自主神经系 统对机体内稳态的维持是与意识无直接关系的自主调节。麻醉科医师 实施临床麻醉的目的之一在于手术创伤对机体可能产生极大应激时, 阻断伤害性刺激的传导,适当地抑制自主神经系统的过度应激反应, 保证机体内环境的稳定。另一方面,外科病人所患的疾病可能显著地 影响自主神经系统的功能,从而改变自主神经系统对手术和麻醉的正 常反应。因此,麻醉科医师对于自主神经系统的功能以及麻醉药物对 自主神经系统功能的影响应有全面、深入的了解。中枢部分包括,大 脑皮质下丘脑脑干的交感神经,及副交感神经核团,以及脊髓各阶段 侧角区大脑皮层,各区均有自主神经的代表区,如旁中央小叶与膀胱 及肛门括约肌功能,有关枕叶,与瞳孔,岛叶与内脏活动,有关丘脑 可分为前后两区,前区为副交感神经代表区,后区为交感神经代表区 ,下丘脑与糖水盐脂肪代谢和体温,睡眠,呼吸,血压调节等均有密 切关系。自主神经系统的中枢从脊髓直到大脑皮层的各个水平都有调 节与控制自主性功能的中枢。它们都能影响交感与副交感神经活动。 在下丘脑似乎集中着那些专门影响交感活动的神经元。因此下丘脑有 时被称为自主神经系统的头(神经)节。由于下丘脑还有重要的控制内 分泌活动的功能,所以下丘脑又是内分泌的重要整合中枢,边缘系统 包括海马、隔区、扣带回、杏仁等,是自主神经系统的更*中枢。 但对各级水平的中枢神经元之间的详细组构方式及其作用路径和机制 ,均有待深入研究。外周传出神经系统的一部分,能调节内脏和血管 平滑肌、心肌和腺体的活动。
The decrease in tension in one nervous system has the same effect as the increase in tension in another nervous system. In addition, the self- nervous system is sensitive to specific drugs (autonomic neurotoxicity), which easily causes excitement or paralysis. Most of the pharmacological effects are specific to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Therefore, it is clinically used as a treatment method for various disorders caused by autonomic nervous abnormalities and as an aid to surgical operations. Under normal or stressful conditions, the autonomic nervous system plays an important role in maintaining the body's cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and body temperature homeostasis. The maintenance of homeostasis by the autonomic nervous system is autonomic regulation that is not directly related to consciousness. One of the purposes of anesthesiologists to perform clinical anesthesia is to block the conduction of noxious stimuli when the surgical trauma is likely to cause extreme stress on the body, appropriately suppress the excessive stress response of the autonomic nervous system, and ensure the stability of the internal environment of the body. On the other hand, the diseases that surgical patients suffer may significantly affect the function of the autonomic nervous system, thereby altering the normal response of the autonomic nervous system to surgery and anesthesia. Therefore, anesthesiologists should have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the functions of the autonomic nervous system and the effects of anesthetic drugs on autonomic nervous system function. The central part includes the sympathetic nerves of the hypothalamus brainstem and the parasympathetic nuclei of the cerebral cortex, and the lateral cortex of the spinal cord at various stages of the spinal cord. Each zone has a representative area of autonomic nerves, such as the paracentral lobule and the bladder and anal sphincter function. About the occipital lobe, and the pupil, insula and visceral activities, the relevant thalamus can be divided into two areas, the front area is the parasympathetic representation area, the posterior area is the sympathetic representation area, the hypothalamus and sugar water, salt, fat metabolism and body temperature, sleep, Respiratory and blood pressure regulation are closely related. The autonomic nervous system centers from the spinal cord to the various layers of the cerebral cortex that have the ability to regulate and control autonomous functions. Both of them can affect sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. The hypothalamus seems to focus on those neurons that specifically affect sympathetic activity. Therefore, the hypothalamus is sometimes referred to as the head (neural) section of the autonomic nervous system. Since the hypothalamus has important functions in controlling endocrine activity, the hypothalamus is also an important endocrine integration center. The limbic system includes the hippocampus, septal area, cingulate gyrus, and almonds, and is the higher center of the autonomic nervous system. However, the detailed structure of the central nervous system at each level and its role in the path and mechanism have yet to be further studied. A part of the nervous system that spreads around the periphery regulates the activity of the visceral and vascular smooth muscles, myocardium and glands.


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